Monday, October 28, 2013

Thursday Women at the Well

The United Congregational Church of Southern Africa has an organization named Women at the Well.  It is comprised of women who are ordained or are seeking ordination and the friends (including lay women and ordained and lay men), who are supportive of women's leadership in ordained ministry. Here are a few of the people involved meeting together from the five countries (synods) in the UCCSA. I don't remember all their names unfortunately.

First on the left is Leizel Beukes from Namibia Synod who is in her final  year in seminary.  Second from left is Rev. Heidi Peterson who serves a church in Johannesburg, South Africa near the bed and breakfast where I stayed.  I worshiped with her congregation several times.  Third is Johanna who is waiting on her internship assignment post seminary.  I met her at Kuruman, South Africa when I facilitated the class for seminary students at the House of Formation. Standing is Rev. Dr. Cheryl Dibeela previously working with Church World Service and partner of the General Secretary, now in Botswana.  Seated in front of her are Pastors from Zimbabwe and Mozambique. 

Others in the groun- the lady with the very long hair is from Mozambique, and next to her with the glasses is Rev. Muriel Mothibi who I visited with during Holy Week in Molepolole, Botswana.  I had so much fun co-facilitating a retreat on the Holy Spirit with her and preaching and teaching at her church.

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