Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Gang activity on church grounds in Kalkfeld

Last night I heard a big BOOM and I went to investigate this morning. 

I discovered that one wall of the Outdoor Ministry Building has been destroyed!  

At first I suspected the wind since it was really howling last night.

But as I watched, the culprits came back to the scene of the crime.

 Here is the most impressionable one of the herd. I mean gang.

 I suspect this one to be the gang leader since she was hanging out just watching.

They belong to Garrett but he is taking no responsibility.

  He says if they are making trouble they are MY cows!

So I guess that makes ME the gangleader!

Just kidding folks- the cows didn't do it and they are not a local gang.  It was the wind and boy was it strong!!  It gusts a lot around here.  I want to be sure I am not out walking in it when it does!

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