Sunday, October 20, 2013

Induction Service

The Namibia Synod conducted an induction service at the Congregational Church of Kalkfeld/Otjiwarango.
The processional with the Bible and the United Congregational Church of Southern Africa banner, representatives of the church, officers and Pastors of the Synod.

 The Synod Secretary welcomes everyone

A representative from the Swakopmund church gives trees to Frank Adonis, Mission Convener for the Outdoor Ministry Project site.

A member of the Kalkfeld community gives the church 10 new chairs for the sanctuary.

The new leadership for the Women's Fellowship is inducted.

And blessed by the women.

The new Pastor of the Congregational Church in Kalkfeld/Otjiwarango is inducted -conducted by the Moderator of the Synod.
The Pastor is prayed over by the Moderator Rev. J Blankenbergh (white robe), Chairman of the Synod Rev. Moses Kamoruru (on the left) and the President-Elect of the UCCSA Rev. Strydom (in the back)
And the congregation prays their part.  Auntie Thomas our matriarch is the lady wrapped in red in the picture with a nice full church behind her.
The children gave us a song.
The Pastor told them a story.
 The Pastor preached from the pulpit (a rare occasion with so many people she had to so she could be seen and heard!)

 Auntie Catherine (Auntie Thomas' daughter) prays over the Synod Delegates who will attend the UCCSA General Assembly in September in South Africa.

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