Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Visitors II

My youngest nephew Kyle keeps asking me if I have seen a black mamba yet.  The answer is still "No and I DON'T WANT TO!"  
But today there was a visitor in the yard.  He was scoping out the fruit trees for his band.  It is so dry and it is the middle of winter (remember that I am still catching up on pictures from July). There is nothing in the bush for them to eat.  

 When I startled him he ran off FAST (I have noticed all the critters here are really fast including the house spiders!)  and then stood on his back feet and barked/hooted to all of them.  There were about 5 I saw.  

 But me and my camera were just not fast enough.  Note how easily he blends into the dry tan bush even with his darker brown color. There are a couple more hiding up in the bush there.

  (I say he- I am making an assumption from what I have seen in animal documentaries- I didn't get close enough to ask his name or gender!)

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