Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Wedding!

After the induction, Rev. Moses married his lovely wife Katumi (I am not sure I spelled her name right) with a son and the congregation in attendance.

 The Rev. Philip Strydom (UCCSA President Elect and Pastor of the Congregational Church in Swakopmund) presided.
 They wanted to be married in the sanctuary here because it is the historic congregational church of Namibia- the location of the first one in Namibia.
 Exchanging rings and vows.

Here we are asking God's blessing on the bride and groom and their family.

Emmanuel Valentino from the Otjiwarango portion of our congregation gave them a gift by singing a lovely song in honor of their wedding.
 Signing the paperwork for Namibia.
 Me with the beautiful couple!  The bride was glowing in a traditional white gown in the Herero style and the groom in a tuxedo.

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