Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday School!

This post is dated in October but I am so far behind in posting to this blog.  So this is actually our first day of Sunday school in July!!

Yes, I am actually a Pastor and do go to the church building and do Pastor things.  I don't just walk around taking pictures.  (A nod to the Star Trek fans- and apology to those who have no idea what I am talking about- I am reminded of the Star Trek episode where the sisters Lursa and Betor (Klingon) wonder if Geordy is the only Engineer who never GOES to ENGINEERING!)

What a happy day for the children since they had been begging me since I arrived to start Sunday school.  But I had to wait for my visa to be in my HAND and went to the Synod meeting in June.  So FINALLY the day arrived in July!

We took pictures of everyone and put them on a poster with their hand print and name.  I am not sure which they enjoyed more: posting for the camera or getting their hands painted with black paint to make the hand print!

Sharifa (age 8)

Vanessa our Assistant Teacher

William (age 12)

Geraldo (age 8, now 9)

Josey (Joshua) (age 8)

Jaydine (age 4)

 Cyrill (age 4, now 5)

Lulu (age 13)

They are the delight of my life and a real handful when they come by every day!  Thank goodness for Vanessa on Sunday!

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