Wednesday, October 30, 2013

After Church Pictures

I wandered around taking some pictures after worship so I could remember and share the whole experience.  Here is the outside of the church, many of the members in uniform and the bus that brought us.

 One of the members who wanted to see her picture.
 The baptismal font and one of the first Pastors for whom it is a memorial.

The parsonage directly across from the front of the church- only a little walk away.

 The border with Botswana is just across the way.  Once this part of South Africa was part of Botswana.  Now members have to have passports to visit family across the way.  Funny how God doesn't see the black lines we draw between countries.

They served us a quite amazing spread of delicious food for lunch (and plenty of what is referred to here as "cool drink"- anything in soda pop form) and our group was pretty large- filling the whole living room.

Every nook and cranny

and spilling into the kitchen.

But then I always agreed with the sign said on my mother's kitchen wall: "No matter where I serve my guests...

It seems they like my kitchen best!"  Me too!

Some even spilled out into the yard.

But then the food was so delicious, no one could resist.  There were probably 10 different dishes- six of them being vegetable dishes!!  I had the BEST vegetables I have had in Southern Africa, possibly the BEST ever anywhere!  So I asked who cooked all this food? (for 60 people)  
The response was "she did."  

I said, "No there is so much food and so many to feed, who helped make all this wonderful food?" The response, "She did."  

I asked her, "Did you make all this food?"  "Yes."  

"You cooked it ALL yourself?"  "Yes." (The response was as if to say, "No big deal.")  

I told her she was a wonderful and talented cook!! 

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