Sunday, October 13, 2013

An office space!

Today not only did a desk arrive and a printer arrive, but a book case for my beloved books!  I was so happy and excited I actually cried!  Thanks to Auntie Nora for all the loans I am now set up to do some work and have some of the important things in my life around me!  
There's my computer and the labyrinth I made and brought with me.  There's the table from the kitchen that Helga loaned me to serve as my desk that can now be used for meetings.  There's the chalice and plate I brought from home and my red Still Speaking stole with the comma on it, given to me at my ordination at Irvine United Congregational Church, UCC when I was called to serve Bloomington Congregational United Church of Christ.


And there are all my books!!  Thanks to Linda and Gordon for shipping them!!  and on the bottom right corner the stole from Mitchell and the Montebello Plymouth church.  And the mouse pad with Halley and Travis (my niece and nephew) when they were little!

And my robe and green stole on the door and prayer stole on the chair.  On the desk is the ever present Afrikaans- English dictionary.  And the boxes which held my books are now ready to collect Sunday school supplies!

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