Thursday, October 17, 2013

New Arrivals

Chelsea is one of my favorite fur people here.  She is a very affectionate and very well behaved puppy dog.  When I met her she was pregnant but no one knew when the puppies would come.  Being a little dachshund mix, she was growing rounder by the minute!  She had two litters before and unfortunately all the puppies died.  No one knew why, but the vet said, this time keep people away from the puppies, and do not touch them until they are several weeks old.

Chelsea is is Auntie Thomas’ companion (the undistputed matriarch of the church, the community and all of Kalkfeld, not because of her age 96 years, but because of the person she is at every age!) and feel and broke her hip last January and has been in bed since then recovering.  I visited them both. 

I was always greeted by Chelsea at the gate, yipping a welcome.  I would pet her and ask her, “How are you feeling mommy?”  She would wag and smile a doggy smile.
A few days went by and I went to visit them again.  It was strange, when I got to the gate Chelsea didn’t bark and she didn’t come to greet me, until I got almost to the side door to knock.  Then she came around the house with a big doggy grin- still no barking.  I petted her and asked her how she was.  And she turned around and left!  Strange!

So I knocked on the door and greeted Auntie Thomas and her daughter Catherine and mentioned Chelsea’s strange behavior.  Catherine said, she had her puppies the morning after you last visited and we didn’t know until she showed us where she hid them.  Then we laughed and realized, Chelsea was being QUIET because the babies were sleeping!  But the big doggie grin was a proud Mommy who was inviting me to come and see the new arrivals.

So here they are: four very healthy and LARGE babies!  And one very proud Mommy! 
PS born mid July they are all doing very well mid October.

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