Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Is it true that when you fix one thing another one breaks...

Well I hope not.  In this case we added the ramp.  

Here is the sanctuary with the new ramp and Heino and his other helper Andrew.
Looks spiffy new and nice!

But when I first came to visit in April I heard from several people that the sanctuary roof needed repaired.
Remember the big wind that blew down the Outdoor Ministry Building wall?  And I said then that there are big gusts of wind here.  

Well apparently one came last year and lifted the corrugated metal roof of the building!  Luckily it did not take the roof completely off (as it did one of the homes nearby). But it did rip out most of the nails and leave holes for the rain to come in.  And since the big gust of wind came right in the middle of the rainy season- you guessed it, lots of rain damage to the eaves around the outside of the building from the leaks 

and plenty of damage to the ceiling inside.  

The repairs were estimated at a cost that would take the small congregation many years to raise.  And the rain is coming soon! 

So we applied for a disaster recovery grant from Global Ministries to repair the roof and we got it!  So now the work will begin to get the roof back on the building before the rainy season starts. THANKS GLOBAL MINISTRIES!!  Once we see the roof repairs have plugged all the holes and there are no leaks, the work on the eaves and the ceiling will commence.

  We have some other work to do and hopefully it will all be finished in time to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Congregational church here in Namibia- and this is the site of the very first church from which missionaries planted many of the other 16 churches here in Namibia.

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