Saturday, October 19, 2013

A New Addition to the Sanctuary

I decided to give the church a present for my induction.  Something they have wanted for a long time.  Completed in time for the induction, it will allow Auntie Thomas our matriarch to come to worship in her wheelchair for the first time since January when she broke her hip.  It will be here for along time to allow all the people limited mobility to get into the sanctuary without using the stairs.  And it will have a handrail to assist them.  I hired Heino to construct a ramp.  

Here he is in the various stages of construction.

Dexter is helping him.

Andrew is his assistant.

To the left of the ramp there is now a flower bed where we plan to plant some drought resistant plants to add some color.

As an added bonus, the ramp is wide and long enough to accommodate a coffin being wheeled into the sanctuary, sparing a few backs!

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