Thursday, October 17, 2013

August 3

August 3- a big day for me.  So how did I celebrate?

I went to the sports tournament at the school and helped Helga make a BIG pot of bush stew (we called it Hobo stew in Girl Scouts- potatoes, carrots, onions, and what ever meat is available- of course in Girl Scouts it was ground meat, not kudu and oryx!) as a fundraiser for the school.  We stirred the pot with a big stick!

 There was soccer for the boys and there was net ball for the girls.  I think there were at least 6 schools there.

Helga adding spices by the handful.

Net ball looked a lot like basketball to me.  Except big boys don't play it, and you cannot run with the ball- there is no dribbling.  There may be other intricacies I missed.  I couldn't stay too long to watch, I had to get back to my job stirring the pot!

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