Thursday, October 17, 2013

Confused? And a trip to school

Okay, so you might be confused.  Is it October? Or is it July?  Is it winter, fall or spring?  If you are then you, then are right along with me.  I have to remember that I am in the Southern Hemisphere.

For the purposes of this blog post it is August 1 and it is winter in Namibia.  But when you look at the pictures of the walk down the road it might look more like summer- dry and hot.  But the clue is that it is dry and brown and actually (for Namibia) cool- only in the 70s and 80s.  But the road going toward the center of the settlement from the church/home still looks long (20 minute walk one way).  Later I will realize that the road seems much longer going the other direction- uphill and you cannot see the gate until you are almost there.

I went to visit the other school today.  There are two- the one the children go to which is closer (a 30 minute walk one way) GK Wahl Combined School- pre-primary to 10th grade.  The primary teaching language is English.  There is a class in Afrikaans.  There are approximately 400 students and 180 of them live in the hostel because it is too far to come to school every day.

The other school is Kalkfeld Primary School preprimary to 8th grade.  (It is a 55 minute walk one way.) The primary teaching languages are Khosa and Otjiherero.  There is a class in English.  There are approximately 300 students.

 This school is newer than GK Wahl and is kept in very nice shape.  The Principal is Matilda. She strikes me as very organized and firm.  The teachers and the children seem to respect her very much and she smiles a lot.  The atmosphere seems joyful.  The grounds are very nice with a large garden the children have for learning agriculture. I think I posted more pictures of the school when I visited in April.

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