Friday, November 8, 2013

The Great Halloween Escapade Part III

The next part of the escapade was to go reverse trick-or-treating to give away the cupcakes and treat bags.  Sorry but I was carrying the cupcakes so I didn't get pictures of the people who were surprised and delighted by the children.

The two butterflies (Geraldo and Josey) and Green Lantern (William) decided to fly ahead of us.

 When we got back we judged the jack-o-lanterns and they decided on shapes for eyes, nose and mouth.   It ended up they wanted it strictly traditional for their very first one! 

This one is Cyrill's.  He is strictly avant garde in all of his artwork.  Highly interpretive and heavily influenced by Vincent (not Van Gogh- Price as all his pictures include some form of monster.)

And the carving began in teams- two kids at a time (and me of all people supervising the sharp knife).  So they all got to draw part of the face, pull out the stuffing, sort out the seeds, carve part of the face, and punch out pieces until it was finished.  (Again the photographer got bored and went to do something else so there are only selected shots and too much of me!)

Princess Sharifa does some scooping with Josey the butterfly in the background.

Josey's turn.  Do butterflies every metamorphosize into spiders?

Now it is butterfly Geraldo's turn.

Helga at the end and Auntie Joey came to see just what Pastor was up to.

The Green Lantern (Willliam) gets to start drawing some of the face.

His pumpkin carving partner (The Bride of Frankenstein's monster) Chantell adds some details.

A whole lot of nervous (me) carving (by the kids) went on.  There were no fingers lost thank goodness.

And TA DA!  The lighting of the candle was the finishing touch.  The kids were quite satisfied with their very first Jack-o-lantern.

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