Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Puppy Update

Okay, Halley here they are.  I hope everybody else enjoys them too.  These are Chelsea's puppies at almost 3 mos.  While Auntie Thomas and Auntie Catherine are away, Om Kenny gets puppy duty so he is Alpha Dog and they follow him everywhere.  Chelsea is the one at the rear, watching over Kenny and the puppies.

WAIT!  That's not a PUPPY with Sheba! No it is one of two VERY patient, beautiful and friendly Siamese mix cats who lived here FIRST.

The largest is almost bigger than Chelsea and they are a BIG handful.

A quiet (relatively) moment.  But they are still watchful and waiting for lunch.

And this (the smallest one that looks just like Chelsea) takes a break from all the action by getting out of the way.  While I was there, Chelsea found her own quiet bed to ignore the commotion.

Tessie's puppies aren't yet moving around much.  Too little still.

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