Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Namibia Day 9

Wednesday April 24
Today was a big day for walking and meeting people and taking pictures.  Josey started out making "shoe soup."  He likes his shoes clean!

This is a picture of the outside of the apartment I stayed in at Gerhardt's complex.

A view of the complex from the apartment back toward the house- which is the front of the complex.

 This is Rex the security dog.  He is actually quiet and sweet when he knows you belong.
 A view of the patio- the green made me feel relaxed and cool sitting there.

Today is report day at the school so Josey, Lulu and I walked over to wait for report cards to be given out.  I forgot how nerve-wracking it could be to wait on a report card.

Past the B & B.

To the school grounds.

Lulu with a friend and enormous blue sky.
Josey in front of his 1st grade classroom. There is one class for each grade in the two schools.

From right to left-Josey, Lulu and friend in front of the administration building.

The garden area in front of the school administration building.

The heavy equipment that is being used to clear brush and trees from out under the power and telephone lines.

A few views of the hostel for the students live on farms outside of Kalkveld and therefore have to board at the school.

The cows came to school.  There were horses too but Josey scared them away.

The horses running away.

Heading back to the classroom buildings.

We find the crowd has gathered in front of Lulu's seventh grade classroom and her teacher is handing out the report cards for her class.

After we collect the report cards we head back to main street.  We stop so Lulu can give "Auntie" Joey the reports for her two grandchildren.  Her house used to be a hotel and the courtyard has windows.

Then Josey and I went over to the clinic to see the inside.  There are two nurses stationed here.  Wesley is both nurse and computer expert and is hoping to be in the first class of the first medical school in Namibia in December to study to become a doctor.  Good opportunity for him but a loss for Kalkveld as Lulu calls him the "really nice" nurse and says he knew what to do to save a man from a black mamba bite.  Yes there are black mambas in the brush- and I am not going there.
The clinic waiting area in the center is surrounded by examining rooms, offices , xray room, pharmacy and a delivery room, equipped with incubator. The waiting room also doubles as a classroom for health, prenatal and baby care classes.  There is a cute little boy (Josey) hiding/popping up in middle of the seats.

Then we went over to the Sewing Project and met the two seamstresses.  They have just been given the donation of a commercial sewing machine and large spools of thread and are very excited to learn to use it.  They make dresses based on the traditional Damara style.

The people gate to Gerhardt's complex with orange flowers.

I liked the contrast.  Delicate and sharp. Natural and man made. Inviting and forbidding.  And blue blue sky.

Josey playing cool in my sunglasses and hat.

Josey's and Lulu's mom Helga is friends with the second in command at the police station so I was invited to come for a tour.  The officer assigned took me to meet the woman who is the contractor for the building of the new 6 room bunk house for the officers as well as the new 8 cell jail house. 

We walked down the street and the farmer was taking the goats out to pasture.

Josey on a termite mound.  They build up faster when it rains.

In the evening I went to pray and worship with the Kalkveld Congregational Church.  Auntie Sarah who is a Deacon spoke in both English and Afrikaans, we sang and prayed in Afrikaans and English, I shared about myself in English, and the Deacon John in the white shirt and tie closed in prayer in Afrikaans.  It was a very nice time together.

Then we went back to the house and Josey tried his hand at photography with my camera in the kitchen.  Here are his pictures: "Auntie" Sarah and his mom Helga.

Sister Lulu making tea for us.

A picture of me with my eyes open AND smiling- pretty good.  Note the green wood stove behind me which is in excellent condition, works great and can heat the whole house.

Josey's self portrait.

Mom Helga
 Auntie Joey

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