Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Namibia Day 7

Monday April 22 in Kalkveld

A view of the gate to Gerhardt's home- left is a part of his garage- he installs and repairs gas station pumps and tanks, middle is the gate, left is the trees to the front of his house.

 We walked down the street toward the right and this is a view looking back down the street.

We went to an exciting event at the school.  There are two schools, one 1-10th grade with 400 students, and 140 board there from farms.  The other school is 1-7th grade.  There is also a preschool.  A company came to donate 6 lap top computers and a cupboard to hold them (4 more laptops are going to be donated later), and they will share the computers between the schools.  Here is a picture of the cupboard.

People at the presentation- The room was full with students (in uniform), personnel from the school, the school board, the police commander and staff, the company and parents.

The cupboard has a door so the computers can be secured and moved together.  The woman sitting nearby is a parent from the community dressed in traditional Herero style.

The media came too to cover the event.
 Police commander in center of picture.
 More pictures of the patio outside the kitchen of Gerhardt's house.  The plants- flowers and vegetables and fruit trees were planted by his late wife Christine and his daughter Helga who now lives with him and is the mother of Josey and his older sister Lulu.

The police station which is down the street to the right of Gerhardt's house.

Lulu, Josey and I went on walks every day together so they could show me the settlement and they were wonderful tour guides.  They also enjoyed the Afrikaans program I have on my computer and endeavored to teach me a little.

Geese crossing the road!

The house and yard of the farmer who owns the geese.  He also has a large herd of sheep and many cows and three donkeys in the yard behind the photographer.

A traditionally built house next door to the farmer's house.

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