Saturday, February 9, 2013

     Today I have been struck again by the concept of courage, because someone said what I am doing is courageous. But it doesn't feel that way. Especially after going to see the Apartheid Museum and visiting the amazing Bridgman Center in Soweto, and being profoundly moved by the experiences of the people here. I have heard it said that "Courage is feeling the fear and going forward anyway." I would modify that to "Courage is feeling the fear and going forward anyway, even when you don’t HAVE to." 
     In that vein I know that I am not being courageous.  I feel fear and I am going forward, but I HAVE to go forward.  And God is already there and so are God’s people.  They will teach me what I need to know, and then I will not be afraid anymore.
     I was struck by the profound closing statement of my friend Jeff Utter's Christmas letter. I found it very encouraging for me and you and with his permission I adapted it. “As this journey begins, I have the perennial choice between hope and fear. Things are changing in my life so fast—the pace of change itself can feel frightening. But there are many heartening and wonderful things happening, as well as so much suffering and avoidance of the steps I need to take to ensure my growth as a human being, and to participate in a future for humanity and for the whole web of life. My spiritual sense--that we are held in love by Infinite Mystery—makes all the difference.” Thanks Jeff!


  1. Hello, Loletta!
    What a joy to hear from you, so far away! But I give thanks for this connection. I'll keep in touch and am eager to hear how your life will be! Big adventure -- and I think you are marvelously qualified to do it. Will you perhaps be sending photos also? I'd love to see them.
    Things are fine here in San Diego, and at UCUC, (as you may have heard) Curt will be retiring at the end of the May -- so great change lies ahead for us, too.

    Blessings on you! Sally Buffington
