Tuesday, February 11, 2014

When the rain comes...

The following pictures are on the road from Kalkfeld to Otjiwarango.  

It has rained a bit 10 miles north of Kalkfeld.  It has rained 10 miles south of Kalkfeld.  It has rained 10 miles east... well you get the picture.  Kalkfeld is dry, dry, dry.  

 But all around there is the beginning of green and wildflowers.

That is the thing with living in the desert.  The minute there is ANY moisture, life springs up.  Ever hopeful...

But it is not real rain.  It is not nourishing rain.  It does not fill the dams and the boreholes.

It makes things green for a little while.  But then the scorching sun comes out and if it is not well rooted and growing, the sun burns the green back to brown.

Pray for rain for Namibia and for Botswana and all the places in the world where the plants and the animals and the people need water.

Conserve water- turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth!  Do full loads of laundry and dishes. Plant plants that don't need water and don't water them!  Take a five minute shower.  Try a two minute "military" shower.  Don't wash your car unless you needs to get rid of the salt and excessive grime- not just as a vanity item.

Okay so, its asking a lot.  Try one of these things, even for a day.  Every bit helps us be aware we are all just passengers on the ship Earth we all call home, and we need to share.

The crossroads!

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