Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Great Garden Party

The children and I got together to start the work on a garden.  We went and gathered large stones and manure (the manure was easy, lots of cows around, but the rocks were a challenge I thought until I saw the old adage proven true "Small but Mighty!")  Here is the work as we finish the rock outline.

Sharifa did TWO at a time! (another not quite so old adage- women have to do twice the work of men to have their work be seen as equal?!)

Geraldo doing a "juggling act" while Sharifa RUNS back for more!

Geraldo is a joker but doesn't mind hard work

Ah, two at a time rolling it might work on the really big one!  William and Geraldo work together.

Wait...that isn't working, let's make a plan and get Sharifa in on it.

William supervises as Sharifa and Geraldo do the lifting work!

Geraldo let's William take his end and gets a smaller rock. Sharifa and William continue the lifting!

Geraldo comes back to help and they get another strategy- to roll it the across the shorter side!

But notice who was behind the camera the whole time?!  Me!  And while Cyril and Jaydine and I started collecting manure, they are still out there while I shoot away!  Thanks kids you are the best workers ever!

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