Tuesday, September 10, 2013

More people and animals in Namibia

On Monday Auntie Sarah and I drove with Om Garrett to Otjiwarango.  We were there to buy a wardrobe for my clothes.  Auntie Sarah and I had lunch with Nora at the Cafe Carstensen- one of two restaurants in the center of town and it has a bakery!  Auntie Sarah is on the left, and Nora the right.

The children had to show me the termite mound right next to the fence in my yard.  William is on top, then Geraldo, Sharifa, Cyril and sassy Miss Jaydine.

Oh and Terry had to get in on the fun.  He is the father of the THREE litters of puppies here.

These are guinea hens I think.  They gather in bunches, won't let you get close to them to take a picture, walk or run away.  They fly very short distances and are a nuisance on the road because they are big and fly up at the last minute as the cars pass by.  I have heard they aren't good to eat either and since they don't even provide meat, means they really are just a nuisance to the people.

There are several herds of goats around here- some with a shepherd and some with a dog.  They can be quite strikingly colored and marked.

Geraldo showing his talents as a shadow puppeteer.

If I have my camera out, the people want me to take their pictures and don't mind not getting a copy, they just like to see the pictures on my camera.  The is is in Kalkveld proper, the main road, with the post office in the background.  The jail is next to it and then just road toward farms.

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