Friday, July 12, 2013

A Walk Around Continued

June 11, 2013
Next comes a view from my house.  Here is the front of the house.


Turning toward the left (the pictures are presented counterclockwise) we see the water tower in the yard from the previous post.

Now we are looking toward the outdoor ministry building and the next house down the street.

This is looking toward the old and new church building and there are six homes in that direction.  Most of the youngest children live in that area.

These are the two houses across the street, the closest houses to my house.

This is looking down the street to the right (facing the house).

This is down the street to the right.  There are two houses in that direction.

And there is the termite hill on the right near my house.  You will see pictures of the kids climbing it later.

This is an overall view of the area of the property that is associated with the Kalkveld Congregational Church, United Congregational Church of Southern Africa,and the families from the church who live on the property.  There is a cemetary down to the left of the house past the outdoor ministry building and the houses of the children and all the land around it belongs to the church.
The main street of the settlement of Kalkveld is a 15 minute walk down the dirt road past the church.  The main highway and one of the schools is a 20 minute walk- past the church- and then turning to the left.
Now if you think you have seen everything in this area, go back and look at the pictures again at the sky.  It is really that color.  And that big during the day and at night with every star of the milky way visible.  And then there are the people... but we shall get there as we walk.

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