Friday, January 17, 2014

And the Cow (s) jumped over the...

Yes, the moon but more importantly the cattle gate.  So Helga and I took Gunther and Armando and went to find them.  Today they were only 4 km from the church property and they herded them back while we drove along side. 

We gave them some hay to eat.

They didn't say thank you.

The next day we had to go look for them again.  This time Helga and Lulu and I went and found them in the same place- 4 km from home.  Lulu and I herded them back while Helga drove behind us.  We  gave them some more hay.  Later that day Helga had Gunther and Andrew herd them to the plot and lock them in a corral.  None of us wanted to have to go look for them again and herd them back (Garrett once found them halfway to Omaruru- 30 km) and we didn't want to take the risk of them walking along the highway which is where they seem to like to go- dangerous to them and drivers and a big liability to Garrett!

When Garrett returned he took them to a farmer to board them.  When I left Kalkfeld January 8 a month later they were still there- hadn't tried to escape once- and happy as clams because not only was there grass and a water source but it had rained and there was fresh grass.

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