Saturday, January 19, 2013

Today is my commissioning service at Pilgrim Place in Claremont.  I have put my dear, heart-friend Val on a plane (actually) she is still at the airport) to go home to freezing Salt Lake City and it is a absolutely gorgeous day in So Cal.  A great day for a celebration with the Pilgrim Pickers and friends and family from all over.  We will be giving thanks for all the blessings that have brought me and us to this point, and lifting up our interconnected life that always has been, is, and always will be present even as far away and between the people of Kalkfeld, Namibia and So Cal (and SLC) if we will stay aware and live in abundant gratitude!
It is all becoming real now.  Ticket and passport in hand and Val, and Linda and Gordon before her and my wonderful family have helped me to start letting go of my STUFF.  A refreshing sense of relief!  And yet, the heart is reminding me...letting go of people will be much different, including the fur people.  The kitties are crazy here with all the changes and they reflect the chaos that is the house and my mind and heart and spirit and body (those vaccinations were a doozy!)  Thank God I am learning for every moment that passes that is joyous and hard to let go, they stay in my heart and soul to treasure and there are others that come.  Other people, other sunsets and sunrises, and other heart-friends to walk on the beach with, or in the mountains, or the deserts of Namibia!

1 comment:

  1. It will be beautiful. Whatever it turns out to be, from your Installation (Coronation?) to the end of your mission, whether everyday goes well or not, I am certain there will be amazing beauty.
