Monday, February 18, 2013

Catching up Part 11- Lion and Animal Park

February 11, 2013 Monday
Today might not appear exciting and there were not pictures but it was very valuable.  I spent time at the office, reading materials (I do love to read).  But even better I got to meet with Prince before he left for Washington DC and talk about my support from the Kalkveld church in connecting the people to the UCCSA, the Synod, and Global Ministries in prayer, celebration, newsletters, etc.  We also signed the agreement!  Now I just need to go to Namibia and get it signed there and send it back to Global Ministries.  One small step...  But then there is tomorrow and...
Kristine Tisinger and lion!
February 12, 2013 Tuesday
Today I got to meet another one of our Global Ministries Interns/Missionaries.  Kristine Tisinger and I went to the Lion and Rhino park today! 

A very self-possessed, comfortable guy, but then the lions are on the other side of the park!

We got to share about our journeys and I got to hear about her work at the Theological Education by Extension College.  It sounds like very fulfilling work helping people to access education and materials to learn and grow in many areas and levels of education, including but not limited to theology and ministry. 

We couldn't decide what he/she was eating that was so good- salt?. 
But I think  he/she decided to try to scare us off so there was no sharing.
We saw some incredible animals (my favorite hippos), and petted 6 month old tiger cubs and a 10 year old cheetah named Eddie.  The momma hippo was not pleased to see us and I was not fast enough with the camera.  Then while she glared at us, baby bobbed up and down next to her.  We finished our day with some authentic African vegetarian dishes at Moya’s near the zoo.  A very nicely decorated place and the food was delicious.  Thanks for the wonderful day Kristine!

This guy was sleeping in the road when we first saw him and wasn't that thrilled to be disturbed but sure posed nice!

This guy is tall- came up to my elbow.  I wanted to take his picture but then he started following me, and I got a little concerned when Krisine said- they bite, HARD.

This is Eddie the 10 year old cheetah
He let me pet him but I didn't get a picture.  I wish I could have recorded him- he purrs LOUD!

Saw lots of different kids of antelope.
This white lion was not at all disturbed by us.

But he did keep an eye on us.

An African lion- When you are at the top of the food chain you can nap anywhere, anytime!
6 moth old tiger cubs

So cute!

Completely asleep!

My hand barely covered the paw.  These are gonna be REALLY big cats.
Momma and baby- now you see baby.
Now you don't

Baby giraffes oly 6 feet tall

Baby cheetahs- king of the hill

A pack of wild dogs
Up close

Too close!

I love these beautiful ears!
February 13, 2013  Wednesday
Back to the Apartheid Museum today.  This time I didn’t get diverted into the temporary exhibit on Nelson Mandela, but neither did I finish the museum.  In fact I got only about 2/3 through.  There is so much to see, so much to learn…  I did look more closely to see where the church was and was not involved.  I finished Bernard Spong’s book and now I want to go back and finish the museum to learn more about and see what is in the museum about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. There is so much to learn…

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